Which Herbs Are Good for Acid Reflux?
Cat's Claw
Cat's claw is an herb that has been used to treat stomach ulcers, to enhance immunological functioning, to help blood vessels dilate, and to eliminate excess waters in the body. The sterols and tannins in cat's claw help alleviate swelling and inflammation, while the qunovic acid glycosides offer antiviral properties. Consume cat's claw as a tea to alleviate acid reflux by steeping 1 to 10g of the herb in 8 oz. of hot water for 10 minutes. After straining, drink the tea up to three times a day.
Ginger has been used for over 2,000 years to relieve a variety of stomach ailments, including nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach. Ginger has pungent phenol compounds, including gingerols and shogaols as well as volatile oils that alleviate nausea, vomiting and motion sickness. This herb can be used to alleviate digestive disorders like acid reflux. Take up to 75 to 2000mg of the herb daily to ease heartburn and to relax the stomach.
Green Tea
Green tea is made from leaves that are not fermented and has polyphenols that offer natural antioxidants. The antioxidants in green tea help to destroy free radicals that are responsible for damaging DNA and causing cellular death. Green tea is used to treat conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerated colitis, and Crohn's disease; this herb contains L-theanine, which offers a calming effect on one's nervous and digestive system. Green tea can be consumed as a beverage two to three times daily.
Licorice offers relief for a variety of stomach conditions, since it is a natural demulcent. Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which is responsible for soothing an upset stomach and coating the stomach, esophagus and intestines with a protective coating. This herb can be consumed at a dosage of 250 to 500mg three times every day; the supplement can be chewed a couple of hours before every meal for ease of acid reflux symptoms.
Marshmallow leaves and roots have mucilage in them, which creates a gummy-like substance when it is unified with water. The mucilage mixture then serves as a coating for an irritated stomach or esophagus; thus, marshmallow is an all natural treatment for acid reflux and other stomach conditions. Create a tea out of marshmallow leaves by steeping 2 to 5 tsp. of the dried herbal leaves in 5 oz. of boiling hot water for 15 minutes. The tea can be safely consumed three times a day.
Slippery Elm
Slippery elm, like marshmallow, contains mucilage; the mucilage, when mixed with water, creates a coating that helps to sooth the intestines, stomach and esophagus. Slippery elm also has a number of antioxidants that help to reduce inflammatory bowel problems, too. Consume slippery elm at a dosage of 800 to 1000mg three times a day to alleviate acid reflux symptoms.
Turmeric has been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to treat stomach ailments. The herb promotes bile production in the gallbladder and eases digestive functions. Turmeric can be consumed to treat gas, bloating, indigestion and heartburn, and the herb has been successful in treating issues related to ulcerative colitis. Consume turmeric at a dosage of 300mg three times a day for stomach inflammation and/or pain relief.