Herbs for Asthma
Types of Herbs
Adhatoda is a leaf that acts like a bronchodilator when used to treat asthma, according to The Herbal Resource (THR) website.
Herbalist Andrew Pacholyk recommends angelica, which helps to relieve asthma symptoms by relaxing the airways.
Anise helps to loosen up mucous in the lungs and to expel it. This is made possible by alpha-pinene and creosol compounds, Pacholyk says.
Coltsfoot is primarily used to relieve coughing symptoms of asthma, THR reports, and it has also been historically used to relieve smoking-induced coughs.
Chinese skullcap is an herb that prevents the histamine that causes sudden flareups from being released, THR advises. Histamine is an organic compound located in skin cells, lung cells and liver cells. When allergens enter the body, more histamine is created and causes asthma symptoms, such as mucous buildup and airway constriction.
Cocoa and coffee are extremely convenient sources of relieving asthma symptoms, Pacholyk points out, as they are in many household kitchens. They both contain caffeine, which is chemically similar to theophylline, a compound contained in inhaled medicines for asthma. Theophylline helps to open up the lung's airways. Chocolate is a good source of cocoa, but be sure that it contains 60 to 70 percent cocoa. Do not consume too much coffee. Opt for no more than three cups a day.
Elecampane root is used to treat an asthma attack or to prevent an attack in individuals who are more prone to them, Pacholyk says.
Ginkgo biloba acts as a free-radical suppressant and antioxidant in the lungs by reducing membrane damage that is caused by asthma. Blood flow through the lungs can be improved with this herb, Pacholyk says.
Grindelia is best for the treatment of sporadic asthma symptoms, THR reports, and should not be taken on a regular basis.
Licorice root can be used to calm the airways, according to THR, thus restoring proper breathing during an asthma attack.
Parsley leaf helps to prevent asthma-induced coughing, Pacholyk says. It can be eaten raw or used as a tea. Pregnant women should not use parsley leaves.
Tumeric acts as a bronchodilator in asthmatics. It can be used as a tea, or the tincture (liquid extract) can be taken, Pacholyk advises.
Herbs that are used for asthma can act just as powerfully as conventional medicine. They should not replace prescribed medications for the treatment of asthma because there is not enough scientific evidence that they cure asthma alone. THR warns that an even more dangerous scenario is mixing herbs with medicines, because they may conflict and cause serious reactions.