Causes and Cures of Adrenal Fatigue
The Facts
The general medical community does not recognize the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue. It is a term used by alternative health practitioners to describe their theory that almost 80% of the population suffers from various degrees of adrenal fatigue brought on by our bodies' inability to deal with the stress of our fast-paced and stressful lifestyles.
There are diseases of the adrenal glands caused by the production of too little or too much cortisol. Addison's disease occurs when too little cortisol is being produced by the adrenal glands, and Cushing's disease is the production of too much cortisol by these glands. Cushing's disease is rare, and seen mostly in adults suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Addison's disease only occurs about once in every 100,000 people, and is generally the result of an autoimmune disease that has destroyed all or part of the adrenal glands.
Both of these diseases are characterized by fatigue and weakness of the muscles, anxiety, depression and irritability--symptoms also attributed to adrenal fatigue--along with a wide variety of other symptoms. The difference to keep in mind is that Addison's disease and Cushing's disease can be diagnosed with blood tests, whereas adrenal fatigue cannot.
Besides the list of symptoms above that are often also attributed to adrenal fatigue, some have gone so far as to claim that allergies, asthma, headaches, hypoglycemia, varicose veins and even hemorrhoids are also symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
When the list of symptoms is as long and as vague as the one for adrenal fatigue, and when most everyone discussing this disease also has a book to sell you, or a product or group of products that they assure you will magically "cure" adrenal fatigue, you should remain skeptical.
Finding Help
Stress is a real medical condition that can, and does, cause many of the symptoms attributed to adrenal fatigue. Millions of people suffer from symptoms related to stress, and these symptoms may be uncomfortable or, in some cases, debilitating. Many people suffering from symptoms of stress may try to self-medicate without seeing a medical doctor, or their doctor may tell them that tests do not show anything really wrong with them. This leads people to try so-called remedies touted on the Internet or in health books in a desperate attempt to find relief from their symptoms.
If you suffer from any of these symptoms, read up on the symptoms of stress, and stress management, as provided by a reputable doctor or clinic. Take the time to list each symptom you are experiencing. Think about, and write down, other factors that may be contributing to your symptoms, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, too much caffeine, sugar, alcohol or medications. Take advantage of free clinics, health fairs, or health-related "call-in segments" sponsored by your local television or radio stations. Do not hesitate to see a doctor if your symptoms persist or get worse.