Herbal Cure for Type 2 Diabetes
Western Herbs
Western herbs used to treat Type 2 diabetes include bitter melon, onion, garlic and bilberry. Bitter melon has anti-diabetic properties. It lowers glucose by mimicking the release of insulin. Diabetics currently using anti-glycemic drugs should check with their doctor before taking bitter melon, due to the potential of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Onion and garlic should be used in conjunction for maximum benefit. Both contain allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin). APDS increases circulating insulin levels while allicin keeps the liver from releasing as much glucose. Bilberry is useful for eye health and protects against diabetic retinopathy.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs have a long history of effectively managing diabetes, which is called the Wasting and Thirsting Disease by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners. Both Siberian and Panax (Asian) ginseng enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors. TCM practitioners also have other herbs and blends to address the symptoms of diabetes. If you are considering using TCM to treat your diabetes, it is best to seek the advice of a TCM doctor.
Ayurvedic Herbs
Ayurvedic herbs originate from India. Ayurveda commonly incorporates bitter melon, fenugreek and Gurmar (Gymnema Sylvestre) into treatment for diabetes. Bitter melon is covered above. Fenugreek contains alkaloids, fiber and fenugreekine. It works by slowing carbohydrate absorption and inhibits glucose release by prolonging the time it takes your stomach to empty. A study published in 1996 in Nutritional Research determined that a group of Type 2 diabetics had an average drop of 30 points in their fasting glucose levels after ingesting 25 mgs of fenugreek seeds twice daily. Gurmar boosts the production of insulin in the pancreas and also reduces the cravings for sugar.
Some supplements can also help with symptoms of diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid lowers blood sugar levels and can inhibit diabetic neuropathy. Evening primrose oil can reduce the pain of diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin E can improve glucose tolerance, as can chromium. Vitamins B6 and B12 can help with nerve pain and damage, and Vitamin B1 can reduce blood sugar levels. Fish oil can lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, both of which are commonly too high in diabetics.