Natural Relief for Morning Sickness
Scientific Solutions
Ginger has been shown to help with nausea. You could add it to your evening meal, eat natural ginger snaps cookies, eat crystallyzed ginger or use ginger drops. Just make sure the product contains real ginger.
Taking vitamin B6 along with doxylamine (an antihistimine) is completely safe during pregnancy and in most cases will help with nausea.
There are also Psi Bands, which are wristbands that ease nausea and are available in drug stores. There's a button on the band that presses on a particular area of your wrist that in many cases prevents nausea.
Herbal Therapies
Many herbs are commonly used to treat morning sickness and nausea that continues through the day. The best way to ingest these herbs is by drinking herbal teas that contain peppermint, anise, fennel, ginger root, raspberry leaf and peach-tree leaf.
Smart Eating
To avoid nausea, keep your blood sugar level even. To do this, eat six small meals a day that contain both carbohydrates and protein. Avoid fatty foods, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Your snack before bed should be high in protein, such as a yogurt and an egg.
Keep a few saltine crackers on your bedside table and slowly eat one before getting up. Take a few small sips of water and remain in your bed for 10 minutes before getting out of bed.
One woman found watermelon to be a life saver. She ate small pieces throughout the day and had a small piece before bed. Her morning sickness all but stopped by doing this. It's worth a try if you love watermelon.
Complementary Therapies
You may choose to use some or all of these ideas until you find what works for you. Rest assured that none of these therapies are dangerous to you or your baby.