Natural Remedy for Fighting Pollen Allergy
Acupuncture is gaining popularity as more people turn to alternative and traditional practices when seeking relief from health conditions. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing method that uses fine needles to stimulate meridians in the body. Each meridian is related to an internal organ. The purpose of acupuncture is to stimulate these meridians in order to release blocked energy in the body. When treating pollen allergies with acupuncture the lung meridian is stimulated. This releases blocked energy in the nasal and lung area.
When suffering from pollen allergies there are several herbs that can help. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, taking 500 mg a day of butterbur can help relieve allergies. Goldenseal contains berberine, a substance that can help to stimulate the immune system and may reduce allergy symptoms. Echinacea can help to reduce inflammation and improve the immune system, which may help relieve allergy discomfort.
Chinese Medicine
In treating pollen driven allergies, traditional Chinese medicine often prescribes biminne. Biminni is made up of several different herbs that work together to relieve allergy symptoms. The Chinese herbal formula contains Chinese skullcap, ginkgo biloba, horny goat weed, schizandra chinensis, astragalus, ledebouriella divaricata and Japanese apricot. For best results with this remedy it is best to work with a Chinese herbalist.
Homeopathic medicine uses a highly dilute amount of a plant extract to treat health conditions. When treating allergies with homeopathy it is best to work with a homeopath who will prescribe a mixture of remedies that fit the unique combination of your symptoms. However, there are several remedies that may aid relief in the short term. Homeopathic remedies used in treating allergies are Nux vomica, arsenicum album, alluim cepa, and euphrasia. These four remedies address symptoms of congestion, sneezing, discharge and other allergy-related discomforts.
Nutrition and Supplements
Nutrition and supplements can help manage allergy symptoms. Even if an allergic reaction is caused by pollen rather than a food, limiting trigger foods may help during the allergy season. Avoiding heavy meats, diary and sugar as well as processed foods can help to alleviate symptoms. Additional vitamin C can help to improve the immune systems. According to the UMMC, vitamin C has some antihistamine properties. Taking up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day can help manage allergies caused by pollen.