Herbs for Joint Health
According to "Traditional Chinese Medicine" by Henry C. Lu, Ph. D, herbal treatment has been used since early historical times to treat conditions and improve joint health. Records of the use of herbal treatment in China date back as early as 476 B.C. First developed from its ancient roots in shamanistic medicine in many cultures--including Chinese, Japanese, African and Native American medicine--herbal treatment has many remedies that can help improve joint health and reduce joint pain and inflammation.
Herbs for Joint Inflammation
According to "The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook" by Alan Keith Tillotson, common herbs to treat joint inflammation and pain include flaxseed oil, myrrh gum, bromelain and turmeric root. To treat dietary deficiencies which might lead to joint inflammation, an herbalist might recommend you add dry ginger, wheat sprouts or alfalfa leaf as an herbal supplement to your diet.
Ginger root works against joint inflammation by inhibiting the body's production of the inflammation chemicals prostaglandin and thromboxane, according to a 1992 study by F. Kiuchi. "The One Earth Global Sourcebook" suggests that you mix ginger powder with honey to form a paste, which you should eat to treat joint inflammation and reduce joint pain. Tillotson suggests a starting dose of 500 to 1,500 mg of dried ginger up to three times per day. Ginger tea is a popular way to take ginger, and ginger tea is an herbal treatment which can be taken as desired.
Alfalfa Leaf
Alfalfa leaf contains nutrients which help reduce joint swelling, nourish joint health and balance the hormonal causes of joint inflammation. Alfalfa seeds and sprouts should be avoided due to studies showing a tendency toward inducing lupus in primates. Alfalfa leaf is not recommended if you suffer from lupus; that's because it contains components that may aggravate your condition.
Tillotson of "One Earth" suggests that alfalfa leaf be prepared into a sweet liquid and consumed with soda water in a tonic. Alfalfa is also available as supplement tablets.
Chinese Herbal Formula for Joint Pain
For joint pain, Chinese herbalists would recommend a mixture often called Stop Pain Tablets, according to Thomas Richard Joiner in Chinese Herbal Medicine Made Easy. The mixture, which is recommended for joint inflammation--as well as stomachaches and headaches--can also be called Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Pian.