Properties of Rose Essential Oil
Used in aromatherapy, rose oil will lift your spirits and help combat depression and anger. Its calming effects are similar to lavender and chamomile and are sometimes found in combination with these other oils. Rose oil helps people with insomnia or who have trouble sleeping through the night. It also holds an aphrodisiac property, so it is a natural choice for a sensual massage. Also try adding a few drops of the essential oil to a warm bath.
Rose oil is safe to use on skin, and actually promotes moisture balance and smoothness. It is also used to help relieve eczema and fight acne, and tighten and tone skin to fight against wrinkles. You can find rose oil in lotions, creams and bath salts, or simply add a few drops to your favorite body lotion for a lasting effect.
Stomach Rub
Rose essential oil has anti-spastic properties that can help in the treatment of digestive issues due to muscle tremors, as well as menstrual cramping and discomfort. Many runners and athletics rub some on sore spots to reduce swelling and ease muscle spasms.
When applied topically, rose essential oil will stimulate blood flow to the area, improving circulation. Taken internally, the oil will help promote circulation throughout your body. Never take rose essential oil internally without first consulting a licensed aromatherapist, however. For more information, see Essential Oil Safety in the Resources section below.
Do not use rose essential oil if you are pregnant, may become pregnant or are nursing. Consult your physician before using any essential oil or herbs, and report any negative side effects immediately. Rose essential oil can be quite potent, so use sparingly until you can better gauge your reaction to it.