Herbal Cures for Nasal Mucus Buildup
Using Herbal Supplements
A misconception is that all herbal products are safe, because they are natural. Although most herbal products are safe for general use, there are definite exceptions. Some herbs can interact with prescription drugs, and others should be avoided if you have certain medical conditions or allergies. Check with your doctor or a skilled herbal practitioner before you begin using herbal products. Purchasing products composed of a single herb will allow you to pinpoint the problem easily should you have a negative reaction. Always observe dosage instructions carefully.
Expectorants help thin and dissolve mucus and expel it from the body. One herbal expectorant, a favorite of your author, is the herbal combination of fenugreek and thyme, available in capsule form. Often marketed as a natural decongestant, this product thins the mucus in your nose and helps your body expel the mucus. It can be taken for several days if you have a cold or simple mucus buildup, or you can take a course of this combination lasting several months if you have problems with chronic nasal and sinus mucus buildup. Fenugreek can lower the blood sugar, so if you are a diabetic, carefully monitor your blood sugar levels when taking fenugreek. Horehound also has expectorant properties. Horehound candies are an old fashioned remedy for colds. They are soothing to the throat, and so long as they contain actual horehound, also work expectorant magic. Like fenugreek, horehound can cause a lowering of the blood sugar, although that is not likely to be a problem if you are ingesting it in candy form. Hyssop is also an expectorant and is said to have antiviral properties as well. Make a tea from the leaves. The marshmallow herb is another natural expectorant that also has decongestant properties and helps the digestive system. Herbal marshmallow is most easily found in supplement form.
Other Modes of Action
Herbs can also help the body produce less mucus so that it does not build up. Eyebright is one herb that helps reduce mucus secretion by stabilizing mucus membranes in the nasal passages that have become inflamed. Sambuca, or elder flower, on the other hand, has natural astringent properties, which dry up excess mucus.