Herbs for Hemorrhoid Pain Relief
Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins that form around the opening of the anus or inside of the rectum. They can be embarrassing, causing pain, itching, and even becoming irritated enough to rupture and bleed. The annoying to painful symptoms of irritated hemorrhoids can be caused simply by sitting. Straining to defecate or constipation will also put a strain on the varicose veins and cause painful and annoying symptoms.
Herbal Topical Ointments and Salves to Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain
A topical hemorrhoid treatment can easily be made at home to relieve embarrassing, annoying and painful symptoms of irritated hemorrhoids. Start with 1 oz. of carrier oil, available at most health food stores. Extra virgin olive oil also serves as a good carrier oil for herbal ointments. Add two drops of lavender essential oil and one drop of geranium essential oil. Apply the ointment after each bath and again after each bowel movement.
A salve for external hemorrhoids can be made by mixing ½ tsp. turmeric to 1 tsp. clarified butter. Apply before going to bed for three consecutive nights, and then stop the treatment for two nights. If symptoms persist, repeat the pattern until relief is found. The turmeric may cause staining, so protect clothing and bedding with a gauze pad after applying the salve.
The itching and burning from hemorrhoids can also be relieved with a salve containing Saint John's wort. This herb is such a popular remedy that most health food stores carry a variety of salves with Saint John's wort as the main ingredient.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Pain With Compresses
Many herbs have properties to relieve the itching, burning and swelling of irritated hemorrhoids. Some people may have better luck with one herb over another. Luckily, there are several herbs with properties to reduce hemorrhoids symptoms. A washcloth soaked in a cool herbal tincture or tea makes a good compress to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Depending on availability, try powdered dill seed, garlic, water cress, chives plantain leaves or witch hazel. Wring out the cloth and apply to the rectal area.
Sooth Hemorrhoids With an Herbal Bath
Two daily 10- to 15-minute baths in warm water with essential oils added can reduce hemorrhoid swelling and ease spasms of the anus to give relief. Add 20 drops of lavender essential oil and 20 drops of juniper essential oil to a shallow bath, mixing the water well to disperse the oils. When purchasing herbal oils to use either internally or externally, take care that you choose essential oils, and not fragrance oils that may contain irritating substances.
Warnings on Self-Medicating With Herbs
While it is important to seek professional medical advice if blood is coming from the rectum to rule out other serious conditions, herbal preparations can sooth hemorrhoid symptoms and often prevent a re-occurrence. Discuss the natural treatment with a healthcare professional if used in conjunction with prescribed treatments as some herbal properties can adversely affect medications. As with any other substances, herbs can cause allergies and irritations in some people. Start with small doses to make sure that the herb is safe for you.