Herbal Remedy for Dry Skin
Calendula and comfrey are popular herbs for treating dry skin. Both have the ability to soften skin. When used in a facial sauna or steam bath they reduce redness and soothe irritated skin.
To soften skin in a bath, add five drops of lavender essential oil to the water. Stir together completely and relax for 15 minutes in the warm water. After the bath, apply some diluted evening primrose oil or aloe vera cream or lotion.
Herbal teas offer an internal remedy for dealing with dry skin. Simply take 1 tsp. of the desired herb and add to 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for five minutes, strain and drink. Choose herbs like marshmallow, dandelion, borage, chamomile and calendula for good results.
Tea tree oil is a great option for treating dry skin. It is an excellent skin care choice for many common skin complaints. It helps to moisturize dry skin, along with providing anti-fungal properties. It is especially good for treating dry skin on the feet which may result from athlete's foot. Simply add one drop of tea tree essential oil to your favorite cream or lotion, and massage gently into the skin.
Herbal Sauna
Give yourself a herbal sauna once a week to treat dry skin. Using a large pot, simmer about 2 to 4 tsbp. of dried herbs, such as chamomile, lavender or peppermint in 2 quarts of water. Once you have enough steam, place a towel over your head and put your face over the steaming water. Sit for 15 minutes for best results. After 15 minutes rinse your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel. Follow up with a light moisturizer. You can re-use the herbal water for later use as a toner, simply cool and place in refrigerator.
Aloe Vera and Fuller Earth
Aloe vera is commonly used to treat sunburn, hives and other skin irritations. It is an excellent choice for treating dry skin and truly is a wonder herb. Massage aloe vera gel into any dry skin areas for instant relief.
Make a mask for dry skin by combining 3 to 4 tbsp. of fuller earth with about 10 mint leaves. Add enough water to make a paste. Apply to dry skin and let dry. After 15 minutes rinse off the mask for beautiful results. Your skin will feel soft and revitalized.