Natural Remedies for a Bad Sore Throat
Cayenne Pepper
Although it is incredibly hot, cayenne pepper makes a terrific ingredient for a sore throat-relieving gargle. Mix a teaspoon of cayenne in 1/2 cup of warm water. Gargle as often as necessary throughout the day, but do not swallow. Cayenne can cause skin irritation. After handling the cayenne, do not touch skin or your eyes until you have thoroughly washed your hands with soap and water.
Honey and Lemon
Honey-lemon water is an effortless solution for pain relief associated with sore throat. It does not cure the sore throat, but it does alleviate the pain. Heat a cup of water to the desired drinkable temperature; do not overheat it. Juice one lemon into the water and add a teaspoon of honey. Drink the honey-lemon water quickly to alleviate the pain.
For a more powerful potion, juice three lemons into a glass then stir in a tablespoon of honey. Swallow one teaspoon every three to four hours to soothe throat irritation.
Ginger is most widely known for treating stomach problems, but its anti-inflammatory properties also reduce irritation associated with a sore throat. Clean and slice a fresh ginger root and steep in boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes. Drink a cup as necessary. If the flavor is not appetizing, include a tea bag in the steeping solution.
Garlic frequently is utilized for ailments that require dehydration. If the sore throat is caused by post-nasal drip or allergies, garlic is one of the most effective tools in combating it. Chewing raw garlic cloves does the trick, but since that is not appetizing to most people, steep sliced raw garlic in water for three minutes. The amounts of water and garlic are optional; however, skimping on garlic means skimping on the benefits. For each cup of water, you need at least one teaspoon of fresh sliced garlic. Add a pinch of salt to the mixture and gargle as often as necessary.