HIV Herbal Treatment
Basic herbs
Medicinal remedies created with herbs have been used across the globe for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Herbs that help boost the immune system like aloe vera, St. John's wort, echinacea and ginseng have been helpful for HIV sufferers whose immune system is under attack. Ginkgo, garlic and astragalus also help revive a failing immune system. Licorice, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, has additionally been used for the soothing effect it has on the mouth and throat of HIV patients suffering from ulcers in these places.
Cat's Claw
A woody, Peruvian vine used by the Ashanica Indians reduces the side effects of AZT therapy for HIV and AIDS patients. Known as cat's claw, it stimulates the immune system's response to the virus and syndrome.
Roots and Plants
The astragalus root, a Chinese herb, has been used in Eastern cultures to prevent and slow the shortening of telomere in immune-cell chromosomes. Since HIV attacks the body's immune cells, the use of the root is now being turned toward the virus. Experts believe that the root can be successfully added to anti-retroviral therapies for HIV-positive persons, even replacing them entirely for a fraction of the cost.
Sutherlandia frutescens, a plant native to South Africa, is now being used as an immune and energy booster for sufferers of HIV and AIDS. It is also an effective antidepressant.