Supplements for Skin With Acne
Supplements for healthy skin can contain vitamins, herbs or a combination of both. Choosing the right type depends on the severity of the acne, your age and the underlying cause of the outbreak.
Features and Benefits
Vitamins that are helpful for acne include vitamins A, C, D and E and vitamin B as a complex (all the B vitamins). These help heal and strengthen the skin. Herbs that clear up skin include garlic, milk thistle, neem, basil, essential fatty acids such as primrose and flaxseed oil, amino acids, enzymes, potassium, selenium and probiotics. Also healing, these fight infection in the skin and repair tissue.
Most supplements are taken in the form of pills, tablets or as tea. Natural food stores carry combination supplements with premixed formulas made specifically for skin problems You can also find special lotions made from natural products that help acne. Tea tree oil, which is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, is a liquid and can be put directly on the skin.
It is helpful to understand that supplements take time to work. Because the healing process takes a while, you might not see initial results for a week or more. After three to four weeks, significant improvement in your skin should be apparent. If you are not satisfied, changing the type and amount of supplement might help, or you can check with your pharmacist or health-care provider for suggestions.
Supplements work differently than acne prescriptions. Most acne medications will treat the symptom, but vitamins and herbs work to heal the problem that is causing the pimples as well as clear up the skin. Sometimes supplements can be taken with prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, but it is important to check with your doctor or pharmacist before using them together.