How to Make an Herbal Inhaler for a Stuffy Nose

Sometimes it seems as if there is nothing worse than a stuffy nose and being unable to breathe. That stuffy nose and all of the lousy feelings that accompany it can be caused by allergies or a cold. Whatever the cause, you just want to be able to breathe again. A simple herbal inhaler for a stuffy nose can help to clear your head. This particular inhaler is good for your entire household, since it is made to distribute the healing essences of the herbs throughout the house. You can use either fresh or dried herbs for this inhaler.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 quarts water
  • ¼ cup fresh yarrow or 2 tbsp. dried
  • ¼ cup fresh peppermint or 2 tbsp. dried
  • 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary or 2 tsp. dried
  • 1 tbsp. fresh thyme or 2 tsp. dried
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    • 1

      Place 2 quarts of water on the stove. Add the yarrow, peppermint, rosemary and thyme--either fresh or dried or a combination. (The fresh herbs do not really need to be chopped. You can, however, loosely chop some of the larger stalks so they will fit better into the saucepan.) Simmer over low heat for 30-45 minutes. The healing aroma of the herbs will drift through the house.

    • 2

      Use a Crock-Pot as an alternative to the stovetop method as described in Step 1. Place the water and the herbs in a Crock-Pot. Set the temperature to "High" and allow to simmer for 1-2 hours.

    • 3

      For immediate relief, simmer the herbs as described in Step 1. Hold your head over the simmering pot with a towel draped over your head to enable you to better trap the steam. Breathe deeply through your nose.

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