What Is Ginkgo Leaf Extract?
The Mayo Clinic states that gingko is one of best selling herbs in America. Ginkgo leaf extract is the leading prescription medication in France and Germany, where sales account for 1.5 percent and 1.2 percent of all prescription sales in those countries, respectively. Because of the potential health benefits and promising results from concluded studies, research is continuously ongoing, making ginkgo one of the most widely studied herbs worldwide.
Research into the medicinal use of ginkgo leaf extract shows the herb is effective at treating a number of disorders, including claudication (pain from clogged arteries) and dementia. Ginkgo may be as effective in treating multi-infarct dementia and early-stage Alzheimer's as prescription medications, according to the Mayo Clinic. Substantial scientific evidence also supports the use of ginkgo for the treatment of cerebral insufficiency.
The herb is also commonly used to treat hemorrhoidal attacks, altitude sickness, asthma, chronic venous insufficiency, diabetic neuropathy, glaucoma, gastric cancer, macular degeneration, Graves' disease, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's disease, premenstrual syndrome, sexual dysfunction and schizophrenia. However, more research is needed on the use of ginkgo in treating these conditions.
Dosing for ginkgo leaf extract is based on traditional use, scientific research, expert opinion and publications, according to the Mayo Clinic. In healthy adults, the standard dose for most health conditions is between 80 and 240mg of 50:1 standardized extract. This dose is typically taken orally in divided doses. Very few studies have been conducted on the safety or effectiveness of ginkgo leaf use in children.
Side Effects
Most adults generally tolerate ginkgo leaf extract well when the supplement is used short-term and at recommended doses. Minor side effects that may disappear with continued use include nausea, headache and gastrointestinal upset. Taking ginkgo orally is associated with an increased risk of bleeding. Therefore, anyone suffering from a bleeding disorder, or who is taking medications or herbs known to cause bleeding, should consult a doctor before use. Other potential side effects include dizziness, muscle weakness, racing heart, restlessness, rash, loss of muscle tone and skin irritation around the mouth.
Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies ginkgo leaf extract as an herbal supplement, there is no guarantee of the product's purity, strength or safety. People allergic to urisols and poison ivy are at increased risk of experiencing an allergic reaction to the extract. Symptoms of allergy to ginkgo leaf may include itching, hives, swelling of the face and tongue, and difficulty breathing. Ginkgo is also associated with the development of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a severe allergic reaction that is potentially fatal. The safety of using ginkgo during pregnancy has not been established.