Herbal Quit Smoking Therapy
Oat Straw and Lobelia
If your nervousness leads you to smoke and you find it difficult to give it up, you can try fluid extract or a tea made of oat straw, which has been popular for ages as a herbal remedy. Avenine glycosides in oat straw function as slight stimulant of the central nervous system by heightening blood flow to the peripheral regions of the body. This is beneficial to those in process of kicking the habit. The lobelia herb with its component of lobeline acts as a good nicotine substitute and will help you withdraw from the smoking habit. But you have to follow a physician or expert's recommendation carefully because too much of this potent substance can lead be injurious.
Valerian and St. John's Wort
Sleep deprivation, morning drowsiness and tension associated with the process of quitting smoking can be brought under control with the herbal sedative valerian. Especially in combination with herbs such as St. John's wort, valerian forms an effective anti-depressant, easing feelings of anxiousness and fright. A nervous relaxant, valerian has to be consumed under supervision of an herbal expert. St. John's wort might help you quit smoking by easing feelings of stress, tension and sadness and boosting your immunity, respiration and digestive mechanisms. The hypericin content of this herb's flowers, along with the flavenoid glycoside content of the plant, might help lift your mood and boost your will power to quit smoking.
Other Herbs
While the herb staphysagria will help heighten your will to quit smoking, tabacum is known to check your body's craving for tobacco. You can also grate fresh radish with a couple of teaspoons of honey and drink it to help you in the process. Chewing on licorice or sugar cane stalks has also been beneficial. While the herbs fenugreek and thyme are great for easing respiration problems due to smoking, an air spray made of a mixture of cedar, lavender, lemon, orange and tea tree extracts with water can help curb your smoking urges when you are trying to quit. Herbal cigarettes might also gradually help you get rid of the smoking habit. Whether you buy them at the store or roll your own with beech tree bark, tonka beans, licorice, sage, rosemary or marjoram, herbal versions of the deadly tobacco version might go a long way in weaning you from the habit.