How to Treat a Headache With Herbs
How to Treat a Headache With Herbs
Feverfew is one of the most common herbs used to treat a headache. Simply chew three to five leaves. The headache should go away within a few minutes. If you are plagued by migraines, chew three to five leaves daily. It will take a few months of regular use to stop the migraines completely, so be patient. Also, feverfew tastes really bad. You should either have something to drink close at hand with which to chase your feverfew or use the leaves in a flavored tea.
Lemon balm or chamomile tea; either of these herbs is great for helping you relax and relieving headaches brought on by stress or tension. Simply add one teaspoon of the dried herb or two teaspoons of the fresh herb to one cup of boiling water, infuse for 15 minutes, strain and sip.
Dried lavender is another herb that is good for easing stress and/or tension headaches. Simply roll some of the lavender flowers in a washcloth or piece of cloth. Place on your forehead and over your eyes. Relax and allow the aroma of the lavender to carry away your headache.
White willow bark contains salicylates, which are similar to ingredients found in aspirin. Simply boil one to three teaspoons of the chopped herb in a cup of water for five to 10 minutes. Strain. Drink up to three cups per day.
Peppermint: Dilute one part essential oil of peppermint with nine parts alcohol or water. Rub on the forehead and temples every 15 to 30 minutes (avoiding the eyes) after the beginning of a headache. A drop or two of straight essential oil of peppermint can also be dabbed under the nose to help relieve the pressure and congestion which can cause sinus headaches.