Facts on Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet almond oil is used widely as a carrier oil for massage therapy. It's inexpensive, easy to find and is absorbed readily into the skin. It also doesn't leave any sticky or filmy residue on the skin, and actually helps moisture the areas where it has been worked in during the massage.
Sweet almond oil is hypoallergenic and recommended for all skin types--one of the reasons it can be found in a plethora of soaps, skin creams and lotions on grocery shelves. You'll find sweet almond oil in products designed to moisturize your scalp, hair and nail beds. The oil is purported to clear complexions and drive away pimples and blemishes while evening out skin tone and moisture balance. Because of its lubricating properties, almond oil is often used on dry, itchy, chapped skin to help aid in hydration.
The oil is also used in watch and small appliance repair because of its lubricating aspects. It leaves no harmful residue.
According to Botanicals.com, sweet almond oil is used in the treatment of sore throats, bronchial disorders and hoarseness. Sweet almond oil can also be ingested for use as a laxative because it contains fatty acids.
Although sweet almond oil is recommended as being safe for all skin types, discontinue use if an allergy or rash occurs and consult your physician immediately. Do not use it if you have a known allergy to any nut, as an allergy to one nut could be a precursor to other nut allergies. Consult your doctor before ingesting any sweet almond oil as a cure to your ailment. Do not use it if you are pregnant, may become pregnant or are nursing.