Native American Herbal Remedies for Depression
Passion Flower
Passiflora is sometimes referred to as nature's tranquilizer and was commonly used by many Native American tribes for a variety of reasons. It promotes restful sleep, calms nerves and reduces anxiety and agitation. According to the National Institutes of Health, there is little danger of side effects. The few incidents of reported side effects may have been due to impure products. If you decide to try passion flower for depression, brew a tea from the plant itself instead of using commercial products.
American skullcap or Scutellaria lateriflora was widely used by Native Americans to relieve nervous tension and anxiety, it also has a many other uses. It is best used in tinctures or teas using dried skullcap. Any part of the plant that is above ground can be used, and the leaves are thought to be especially useful for brewing teas. A common calming tea is made with a mixture of lemon balm, scullcap and passion flower. It has many minerals and vitamins, however, it should not be ingested if you are pregnant. Some other uses are to help relieve pain associated with menstrual cramps and to promote menstrual health.
Other Herbs
Other herbs commonly used by different tribes include wild black cherry and wild lettuce. Wild black cherry was used for overall mental well-being and treating nervous conditions. The root and the leaves are used to make a type of sedative tea. Despite the name, it is not sweet; instead, it is very bitter. Wild lettuce, or Lactuca canadensis/Lactuca virosa, is known for its "opium-like" effects and is used as a tonic for calming nerves. Wild lettuce is usually administered as an infusion---boil the leaves in water and let it sit for 15 minutes, then drink it two or three times a day. Or it can be used as a tincture.
Although these herbal remedies are still used by many, depression should be taken very seriously. If you are diagnosed with major or clinical depression, always discuss treatment options with your physician. There is little clear scientific research available to support that these herbs are useful for depression.