Tea Tree Oil Cures
Before you go to bed, wash your face, then apply tea tree oil on acne problem areas with a Q-tip. Let it soak into your skin overnight and wash it off in the morning.
You can get rid of lice on both humans and pets by adding ten drops of tea tree oil to a bottle of shampoo and shampooing daily. Rinse, and follow up with a little more oil rubbed into the skin to kill eggs before they hatch. Clean brushes, combs and bedding with a solution containing a few drops of the oil. Do not bathe pets on a daily basis for longer than necessary, as bathing removes natural oils and promotes skin problems.
Fill a medium-sized bowl with boiling water and add two or three drops of the oil. Lean your face over the bowl, put a towel over your head and inhale the steam for approximately ten minutes to help break up congestion.
Mix together equal parts of tea tree oil and water in a small bowl. Soak a washcloth in it, and gently press the cloth to the area affected with diaper rash.
Vaginal Hygeine
Women with yeast infections or chronic vaginosis can prepare a natural douche of two cups of water with 1 tsp. tea tree oil. Use the douche every day for six weeks to kill the bacteria that are causing the odor or the infection.
Soak a cotton swab in the oil and wipe it directly on your skin as needed to cool it off and reduce the discomfort of sunburn.