Natural Medicine for Colon Cleansing
Gather Ingredients
Research different colon cleansing medications, paying attention to the ingredients. Many contain the natural ingredients of fennel seeds, aloe vera juice, ginger, goldenseal, pumpkin seeds, buckthorne root, rhubarb, psyllium, oat bran, prune juice, licorice root and flaxseed oil. All of these herbs are very useful for getting things moving in your digestive tract and therefore removing toxins that are causing medical problems. Choose two to four of the natural colon cleansing herbs that you feel comfortable taking and purchase them at your local health food store. Make your own colon cleansing medicine by combining those supplements and taking them according to package directions.
Eat a High-Fiber Diet
While taking your natural colon cleansing medicine, eat foods that are high in fiber to aid it. Try fresh fruits with the skins on, dried fruits, acai berries, lentils, beans, whole grains and nuts. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid constipation.