Home Remedy for Skin Mole Removal
Using Items From the Refrigerator
Onion juice is a folk remedy for getting rid of moles. Extract the juice from an onion or buy onion juice. Apply the juice a few times a day for up to a week. Fresh garlic cloves cam also remove moles. Cut a clove in half and then cut a thin slice. Place this slice on the mole using a band aid to keep it in place. Keep the garlic on overnight for three nights. Garlic contains sulfur which works on the mole to remove it. On the Earth Clinic website one user reported that garlic worked, but cautioned that it burned the surrounding skin. One way to prevent burning the surrounding skin is to apply petroleum jelly to the area to protect it from the garlic juice.
Grapefruits may also remove moles, but it takes about a month. Take a fresh grapefruit and squeeze out the juice. Apply the juice several times a day every day for a month for the mole to disappear.
Using Items in Your Pantry
According to Natural Home Remedies website, you can remove a mole in a few days with coriander. Make a paste by grinding the coriander into a powder then apply to the mole. Leave on for 10 minutes then wash away. Do this for a few days. Potassium is also useful in removing moles. You can take a potassium supplement every day or take an apple cider vinegar supplement. (Apple cider contains high levels of potassium.)
Another option that may work is to drink vinegar water or apply the vinegar to the mole a few times a day. Honey is also effective in removing moles. The Natural Home Remedies website states that the "mole will disappear completely with the mere application of honey."
Using Other Items Found Around Your Home
Another overnight remedy believed to work on moles is tincture of iodine. Apply a few drops to the mole before bedtime. In a few days the moles should start to disappear. Another method is baking soda. Take a tiny bit of baking soda and mix it with castor oil Apply the mixture to the mole and cover with a band aid overnight. Do this every night for 1 to 3 weeks and in time the moles should get smaller until they disappear.