How to Buy Beta-Mannan

Beta-mannan is a proprietary dietary supplement formula created by Dr. Joe Glickman Jr. It is only available through Alotek Supplement Company. The official website for this product describes it as an all-natural and organic supplement that supports immune function. The statements made on the site have not been evaluated by the FDA.


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      Go to the Beta-mannan website. (See Resources below.)

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      Scroll down to the "order online with secure shopping cart" link and click it. (Below the link are instructions to order by phone or by mail if you prefer.) A screen will come up showing a bottle of the supplement and the price per bottle. ($29.50 as of this writing). Hit "Buy Now."

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      Indicate whether or not you would like to opt-in to a program through which your Beta-mannan order is renewed on an ongoing basis. If you plan to take this supplement long-term, this may be a convenient option for you.

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      Indicate the quantity of 60-capsule bottles you would like to order, then click the "Add to Cart" button. The next screen will have a place to fill in the number of bottles you want. Fill in a number and push "Checkout." You then will be prompted for your e-mail address and password. As a new customer, you'll have to fill out a form online, then you will be allowed to finish the order.

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      Complete the shipping and payment information fields. You will need a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card to complete the transaction. When you are finished, you will receive a receipt in your e-mail.

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