How to Buy Beta-Mannan
Go to the Beta-mannan website. (See Resources below.)
Scroll down to the "order online with secure shopping cart" link and click it. (Below the link are instructions to order by phone or by mail if you prefer.) A screen will come up showing a bottle of the supplement and the price per bottle. ($29.50 as of this writing). Hit "Buy Now."
Indicate whether or not you would like to opt-in to a program through which your Beta-mannan order is renewed on an ongoing basis. If you plan to take this supplement long-term, this may be a convenient option for you.
Indicate the quantity of 60-capsule bottles you would like to order, then click the "Add to Cart" button. The next screen will have a place to fill in the number of bottles you want. Fill in a number and push "Checkout." You then will be prompted for your e-mail address and password. As a new customer, you'll have to fill out a form online, then you will be allowed to finish the order.
Complete the shipping and payment information fields. You will need a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card to complete the transaction. When you are finished, you will receive a receipt in your e-mail.