Herbal Tea Remedies
Weight Loss
Everyone is looking for ways to lose weight, and what better way than to drink an herbal tea that can help. One of the most popular is green tea, which has been used for centuries in Asia. Green tea comes in three types: Green tea, oolong tea, and black tea. Green tea has a thermogenic effect on the body, which in turn helps to burn excess fat. Many diet and nutrition experts recommend drinking green tea instead of coffee and soda pop, as it also has relatively no calories.
Other weight loss herbal teas include the use of bitter orange, cayenne and guarana. When used in conjunction with the proper diet and exercise plan, these herbal teas can help with weight loss.
St. John's Wort comes from a wild yellow flower, and has been used in Europe to treat depression for decades. There has been some evidence that St. John's Wort can be effective for treating people who are suffering from mild to moderate depression, and many doctors and natural healers suggest the use of this herb as a remedy before trying prescription medications. St. John's Wort comes in tea form, and can be drunk on a daily basis for a calming effect.
Health Remedies
Those suffering from migraines will do anything for relief, and the herbal remedy feverfew may be the solution. Feverfew may actually prevent migraines from occurring, and studies have been conducted to prove this fact. As a tea, feverfew should be drunk twice a day for the best effect.
Goldenseal is an herbal remedy that has many antibiotic properties, and may be drunk as a tea. A teaspoon of powdered root goldenseal, which can be bought in many health food and supplement stores, as well as online, should be dissolved in one cup of hot water. Drink this tea twice a day for the best protection.
Another herbal medicine known for being a strong antibiotic is one that is already found in many refrigerators--garlic. Garlic not only is a very strong antibiotic, it can also reduce a person's cholesterol levels as well as prevent blood clots from forming. Garlic can be drank as a tea by steeping six fresh cloves for six hours in one cup of cold water, and then heated.