Alternative Natural Chinese Healing Herbs
Although best known as an aphrodisiac, cordyceps has often been prescribed as an anti-aging treatment, to build strength and to help the immune system. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is often used to protect the lungs and help reproductive organs. It helps with asthma and lung function.
Dong Quai
Dong quai is generally given to women, and is often viewed as the best herb for female reproductive health. It can help regulate menstruation, regulate hormones and help with symptoms of menopause. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used for problems with the heart, speen, liver and kidneys. It is can also help relieve muscle spasms, such as those associated with menstruation.
Ephedra is probably best known because of diet pill controversies. Well-known extracts of this herb are ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine. However, ephedra, or ma huang in Chinese, it has been used for centuries for colds, coughs, hay fever and asthma. Traditional Chinese medical practitioners prefer that people use the entire stem of the plant to help dry sinuses and as a bronchial dilator. An interesting difference between the western extracts of this herb and the herb in its pure form is that ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine raise blood pressure, while the whole herb tends to lower blood pressure.
Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba is derived from a tree that is considered a living fossil. This tree can be traced back over 250 million years. Gingko biloba is used in Chinese medicine for a large number of conditions, including respiratory issues and digestive problems. It also is recommended for poor circulation, dementia and depression. It is commonly used as a memory-enhancing herb and can help with tinnitus and vertigo.
Ginseng is one of the best-known Chinese medicinal herbs. Its use dates back further than almost all Chinese herbs, with references to its use as long as 5,000 years ago. Ginseng brings balance to the body and helps slow cellular degeneration associate with aging. It helps balance blood sugar and balances hormonal levels. Among other benefits traditional Chinese medicine lists are increasing muscle tone and function, reducing stress and fatigue, and boosting the immune system.