African Medicinal Herbs for Blood Pressure

Traditional herbal medicine has been practiced in Africa since prehistoric times. Much like Chinese medicine, African medicine relies on the healing properties of the natural ingredients in native African herbs. A number of herbs are effective in treating blood pressure problems, including both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
  1. Yohimbe Bark

    • Yohimbe bark, and its extracts, are often prescribed for male erectile dysfunction. One of the ways yohimbe works is by raising blood pressure. In cases of people with high blood pressure, yohimbe has been shown to be dangerous. However, for people with low blood pressure, yohimbe can help raise blood pressure to normal levels.

    African Ginger

    • African ginger, also known as siphonochilus aethiopicus, has a number of traditional uses in African medicine. One use is the reduction of blood pressure. It has also been used to treat headaches, mood swings and digestive problems. It thins the blood and has been shown to reduce cholesterol.

    Momordica Balsamina L.

    • A combination of momordica balsamina L and hibiscus irritants are traditionally used to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In addition to lowering blood pressure, this combination improves circulation and helps with liver function and digestion.

    Natal Ginger

    • Natal ginger, in addition to being a circulatory stimulant and blood thinner, has been used to lower blood pressure. It also is used to lower cholesterol and has been shown to help with a number of digestive complaints, including indigestion and gas.


    • Sceletium, when used in combination with L-tyrosine, have been shown to lower blood pressure. This particular combination also works as a mild selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) and can be useful as an anti-depressant.

    Other Herbs

    • Other herbs that show potential for helping with high blood pressure include the following: Amaranthus dubius, also known as spleen amaranth; amaranthus hybridus, also known as slim amaranth, smooth pigweed, and red amaranth; asystasia gangetica, sometimes called Chinese violet; galinsoga parviflora, sometimes called gallant soldier or guasca; justicia flava; oxygonum sinuatum; physalis viscosa, sometimes known as starhair ground cherry; and tulbaghia violacea, sometimes called wild garlic.

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