How to Detox Your Body: Heavy Metals
In 1995, a doctor working with patients who suffered from chronic recurring infections discovered that cilantro actually binds itself to mercury, and other toxic metals, and removes them from your entire system. This physician's subsequent research has provided the average person with a detox method using completely natural healthy ingredients that you can find in any supermarket. Even if you currently have no visible symptoms, it's a good idea to remove any potentially toxic metals from your system.
Things You'll Need
- 2 Cloves Garlic
- ½ Cup Nuts (any kind or mixed)
- 1 Cup Packed Cilantro Leaves
- 2 Tablespoons Lemon or Lime Juice
- 6 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Make cilantro based pesto. Put cilantro, lemon or lime juice and olive oil in a blender and blend until thoroughly chopped. Gradually add remaining ingredients to make a thick paste. If necessary, thin with additional citrus juice and oil remembering to keep the proportions the same (1 Tablespoon juice to 3 Tablespoons oil). Store tightly covered in the refrigerator.
Eat two tablepoons of fresh cilantro pesto daily for three weeks. You can put it on toast, use it to top baked potatoes, garnish fresh cooked pasta, use it as a dip, spice up your favorite fish, or add it to your salad. Do not cook the pesto-cilantro must be uncooked to retain its ability to bind to the heavy metals in your body and remove them.
Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to enhance the cleansing action of the pesto. Do this once a year to eliminate any new buildup of toxic metals.