Organic Remedy for Skin Ulcers
A skin ulcer is classified as an open sore within the tissue and can be found on any part of the body, including the legs, back and mouth. The most common type of skin ulcers are bedsores, which occur when pressure on a specific area of the body remains constant. Those who suffer from bedsores are normally confined to a bed or chair, and those who must wear a plaster cast can be affected as well. Skin ulcers should always be monitored by a physician to ensure an infection does not set in.-
Aloe Vera
When Aloe Vera is applied topically to the skin, it works as an anti-inflammatory, an antibiotic and a pain reliever. There are over 100 active ingredients within Aloe Vera, which include numerous vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and polysaccharides. When applied directly to the skin, these properties work to enhance the epidermal growth and fibroblast functionality, which both work to improve skin cell growth and collagen production.
To apply topically, gently rub a liberal amount of raw Aloe Vera gel directly onto the skin ulcer. The total amount of Aloe that should be used is determined by the quantity and size of these ulcers. Repeat this process three times per day.
Ingesting Aloe Vera provides support for the immune system, which will help fight off any infections that are present or could become present. Consume two ounces of Aloe Vera juice mixed with four ounces of fruit juice or water four times per day until the skin ulcers have disappeared. If you are diabetic, carefully watch blood sugar levels as this juice can potentially lower blood sugar.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which when used internally helps support the immune system and kill off free radicals that can cause infections and other complications. Vitamin E is safe to be used both internally and as an external application. By increasing the amount of antioxidants in the body, tissues are able to heal faster and prevent infections from setting in.
Consume 300 International Units (IU) of vitamin E liquid capsules with eight ounces of water per day. The exact number of capsules that will need to be taken will vary according the strength of the packaged vitamin. Before starting this treatment, consult your physician to ensure its safety.
To apply vitamin E topically, puncture a liquid vitamin E capsule with a safety pin and generously apply the liquid directly onto a skin ulcer. Repeat this process once per day until the ulcer has completely healed.