Green Tea Effects on Skin
Green tea originated in China 5,000 years ago; and in the sixth century, a Buddhist monk introduced it to Japan.
Because green tea undergoes minimal oxidation, it contains high levels of polyphenols, chemicals with super antioxidant properties. The polyphenols found in tea are known as catechins.
Rejuvenate Skin Cells
Dr. Stephen Hsu, a cell biologist from the Medical College of Georgia, revealed that green tea's polyphenols can safeguard healthy cells and promote skin cell rejuvenation for healthier skin.
Prevents Aging
When green tea's polyphenols are used in moisturizers, it can slow down signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin by boosting the skin's immune system and stimulating DNA repair in cells.
Drinking green tea or taking green tea extract is a way to obtain the health benefits of catechins. You can also use a green tea formula to moisturize your skin. For maximum protection, always wear a sunscreen on top of your moisturizer.