Black Mold Detox with Herbs
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is most notably used to treat the liver, but as the liver filters toxins from the blood, milk thistle protects the liver. In addition, it binds to the toxins and removes them from the body as waste through bile in defecation or as urine through the kidneys. Milk thistle also reduces liver inflammation, which enables the liver to work more effectively to remove more of the toxin from the bloodstream.
Burdock Root
Burdock root is a powerful blood purifier that helps to clear toxins from the blood stream and eliminate them from the body as urine.
Elecampane and Fenugreek
Both of these herbs work well within the lungs. Each has expectorant properties that stimulate the cough reflexes to expel mold and spores from the lungs. Their mucilaginous qualities also coat and soothe the lungs to promote better healing. Fenugreek also has blood purification properties.
Fenugreek Lung Soother
10 drops of Fenugreek tincture (from a local health food store)
8 oz glass mason jar or some jar with a top. Preferably glass.
Juice of 1 large lemon
6 oz of honeyMix all the ingredients together in the jar and take a teaspoon everyday. Keeps well in the refrigerator.
Licorice works similarly to Fenugreek and Elecampane but also has anti-inflammatory qualities. It is purifying to the liver and the endocrine system. Licorice helps to supplement the adrenals that can be overtaxed from the stress of the toxins. If you have any kidney complaints, consult with a physician before using licorice.
Homeopathic Help
In addition, a homeopapthic physician may be able to put together a remedy specifically for your set of symptoms. Check the Resource section to find out how to find a homeopathic doctor.