Lyme Herbal Healing
Stage I Treatment
Ledum can be placed on the bite puncture immediately after removing the tick to help kill the spirochete bacteria. Lyme disease still in the early weeks of contraction is said to be in Stage I. During this stage, the bacteria will get into the bloodstream and infect the lymph nodes within one to four weeks of being bitten. Symptoms include headache, stiff neck, fever and fatigue. During this time, the most effective remedy is found with propolis resin, echinacea root, red root and licorice root. These herbs are most effective when used together and in conjunction with traditional antibiotics. Taking these herbs for three to four alternating days with the herbal remedies for Stage II helps prevent the condition from worsening.
Stage II Treatment
In Stage II, the Lyme disease is disseminated through the heart, skeletal muscles, neurosystem and skin. Stage II occurs one to five months after being infected by the bite. An effective formula for Stage II contains lomatium root, witch hazel, elderberry and prickly ash.
Stage III Treatment
A chronic infection may set in after six months with severe health issues possible. This includes polyneropathy, encephalopathy and cardiomyopathy. Preventing this stage is the goal, but if Lyme disease has gotten to this point it is imperative to attack it with all treatments your doctor recommends. You also can supplement Stage III Lyme disease with an herbal formula. An herbal concoction for this level contains waltheria root, osha root, American ginseng root and artemesia annua.
Tincture Treatment
Most of these remedies are in a liquid tincture that can be consumed directly or with water. Consult a licensed herbalist for the exact dosage based on your remedy, age and weight. Alcohol tinctures may be rubbed inside the ears of animals resistant to taking the remedy orally, though be sure to not drop it into the ear canal.