Natural Progesterone Cream Instructions
Application Site
Progesterone cream absorbs readily through the skin and into the blood capillary system, dispersing the hormone throughout the body. Areas of the skin where the blood vessels are closest to the surface offer optimum spots to apply progesterone cream. These areas include the neck, the face, the palms of the hands and the inner portion of the arms. The breasts are also an acceptable application area.
Different creams may contain different amounts of progesterone. An acceptable amount for most menopausal women is approximately 15 mg per day, for a 25-day period. If the cream contains between 450 mg to 500 mg of progesterone per ounce, an acceptable amount would be one-fourth teaspoon per day. Recommended amounts vary for premenopausal women.
Premenopausal Women
Progesterone cream may benefit younger women who experience symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or an irregular cycle. In such cases, estrogen may be released in anticipation of a woman's monthly cycle, but her body might not produce sufficient progesterone to counter the effects. This results in estrogen dominance, which may include breast tenderness, water retention and moodiness.
A premenopausal woman may regulate her cycle with the use of 10-percent natural progesterone cream at the rate of no more than one-sixtheenth teaspoon per day to avoid hormone imbalance complications.