Willow Tree Cures
Medicinal Qualities
Willow trees contain salicin, which is a product found in aspirin. American Indians chewed the inner bark of the willow tree to reduce fever as well as aches and pains. Additionally, the willow tree bark relieves menstrual cramps and arthritis, as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Sufferers of warts benefit from the willow tree as well. Place a piece of the inner bark over the wart and tape into place. Change the bark every day for approximately one week, and the wart will disappear. Alternatively, an over-the-counter cream containing willow works as well.
Side Effects & Warnings
The white willow tree is mainly used for medicinal purposes an herbal aspirin. It generally does not produce the same stomach problems that aspirin does. However, common side effects are ringing of the ears, dizziness, nausea and upset stomach if more than a recommended dose is taken.
Do not take willow bark extract if you have an allergy to aspirin or an ulcer. Do not give to children who have chicken pox or flu. Do not use on pregnant women or nursing mothers without consulting a physician. Do not take more than 120 mg per day. Do not take white willow extract while taking blood thinners. It might possibly lower blood sugar as well.
Willow bark extract has a slower activation time than aspirin; however, it will last longer after it is activated, producing a longer period of pain relief.
Purchase white willow bark from pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices (GMP)-compliant facilities to ensure the highest standard of production is used. GMP standards are governed by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Willow bark extract needs to be a standardized tablet with 40 mg of salicin as an active ingredient.