A Plant to Relieve Dental Pain
Garlic and Ginger
The garlic plant is a natural antibiotic and used for a wide variety of ailments, including tooth pain. Commercial products include garlic oil, tablets and powder.
Place a garlic clove on the tooth and bite to hold in place. Alternatively, put minced garlic rolled in gauze, place on the painful tooth, and bite down as well. Hold the garlic in place for as long as possible. The pain and tenderness should begin to ease.
Ginger root can also be used in the same manner as garlic.
Vegetables and Plant Oils
Cut a large enough slice of cucumber or raw potato and place over the tooth. It is preferable that the vegetables are cold to ensure a soothing effect while taking the pain away.
Place a small amount of dried peppermint leaves to the affected tooth. Leave on for a few minutes and spit the leaves out. Do not rinse. Apply the leaves several times daily.
For minor tooth pain, soak a cotton ball with pure vanilla extract and place on the tooth. Pure vanilla extract contains alcohol, which will numb the tooth. For severe toothaches, fill the mouth with a small amount of pure vanilla extract, swish around for several minutes, and spit out. The pure vanilla will cause a burning sensation at first but will go away as the mouth becomes numb.
Use oil of oregano in the same manner as pure vanilla extract.
Heat one to two tablespoons olive oil in a small cup in the microwave for eight seconds. Place the oil in a spoon and pour in the ear on the side of the face where the painful tooth is. Keep the head turned for several minutes so that the oil drains down the ear canal. This not only stops toothache pain but earaches as well.
Dental Visit
Though natural home remedies are excellent choices for toothache pain as well as other ailments, be sure to consult a dentist who can determine whether your symptoms require immediate medical attention, such as in the case of an abscess or infection.