Rheumatoid Arthritis Alternative Medicines
According to the Natural Nurse, an alternative health news source, rheumatoid arthritis is in part caused by toxin buildup within the body. The website recommends supplementing diet with vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione to decrease the inflammation. Herbs can also be used to remove toxins from the body and decrease inflammation. Milk thistle, dandelion and burdock are all anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herbs.
Nutrient Therapy
Many rheumatoid arthritis suffers also suffer from the "leaky gut" syndrome. This causes joint irritation because molecules that can not easily be passed through the gastrointestinal lining escape into the bloodstream, which leads to a natural bodily response of joint and muscle pain, Natural Nurse website states. To address leaky gut and the pain associated with it, there is a variety of nutrients that soothe the intestinal tract, including okra, marshmallow root and L-glutamine. In addition, calcium, foliate and magnesium are all nutrients which boost intestinal health as well as support arthritis treatment.
Body Manipulation
Bodywork, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic alignment are all ways of alleviating the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis as well as preventing future flare-ups. Discuss the symptoms of arthritis with a licensed practitioner, and they will help guide design an individualized treatment regiment.
Exercise and Movement
According to Mother Nature, an alternative health advice website, the body needs movement to stay healthy. "By moving your joints daily, you help keep them fully mobile," the website states. "You also strengthen surrounding muscles, which means providing joints with extra support." In addition, weight-bearing exercises help keep the bones strong while preventing osteoporosis, a common disease associated with arthritis.
Meditation and Relaxation
Just as the body needs exercise, it also needs rest. Time of high stress and fatigue are often associated with pain for arthritis sufferers. Using methods of progressive relaxation, meditation, positive visualization and anti-stress activities are all recommended by the Mother Nature website as effective treatments for all forms of arthritis.