Herbal Cures for Hiccups

Most people get three to five bouts of hiccups per year. Although the causes of hiccups are unknown, many experts believe that they can be caused by a disturbance to the digestive system. This might happen from overeating, eating too quickly or eating spicy foods. Sudden excitement might also bring on a bout of hiccups. Rarely, hiccups can signal an underlying condition, such as liver disease, infection or cancer. Fortunately, most hiccups can be cured by using simple methods.
  1. Herbs to Cure Hiccups

    • There are many ways to cure hiccups and it seems that everyone has his own favored method. Someone might tell you to breathe into a paper bag, another will tell you that the hiccups need to be "scared" out of you--and someone, sounding rather like Mary Poppins, will tell you to swallow a spoonful of sugar. And in fact many of these "old wives' tales" really work. There are also herbs that can get rid of those pesky hiccups. Try inhaling a bit of black pepper. This creates a sneezing reaction that can stop a bout of hiccups. You can also try mixing one-half teaspoon of mustard seeds with one-half teaspoon of clarified butter or ghee and swallow the mixture. Another herb that can be used is cardamom. Boil a cup of water with one-half teaspoon cardamom down to one-half of its original volume. Swallowing this mixture can put a quick stop to hiccups.

    Recipe for Hiccup Remedy

    • Dr. John R. Christopher in his book Herbal Home Health Care gives a recipe for a good hiccup remedy. To make it you will need one ounce each of blue cohosh, black cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap and lobelia, cut or powdered. Place the herbs in a quart bottle and cover them with one pint of grain alcohol, 90 proof or stronger. Shake this mixture at least three times per day (make sure the lid is screwed on tight) for fourteen days. On the last day, strain the mixture through a natural fiber cloth, such as cotton, wool or linen. Press out all the liquid and place it into dark bottles, or keep in a dark place. When you get the hiccups, drink a few drops of this formula.

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