Home Remedies for Removing Skunk Odor
Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Dish Soap
According to the University of Nebraska's Agricultural Department, chemical solutions within hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish sop naturally counterbalance the odor of skunk musk. The properties within hydrogen peroxide capture odor molecules and reduce their severity, while the dish soap acts as an antibacterial and odor reducer.
Mix the following ingredients in an open container: never cover the container because the oxygen can cause expansion within the hydrogen peroxide and cause a closed container to explode.
Combine one quart of three-percent hydrogen peroxide with one-fourth cup of baking soda. Add two teaspoons of any brand of liquid dish soap. After mixing the ingredients, wipe the areas of the body that have been sprayed by the skunk. To use on hair, carefully drench the hair with this mixture and allow it to rest for five minutes before rinsing with water. Never rinse the mouth or eyes with this solution. Never use this treatment on clothing, as the hydrogen peroxide can cause discoloration.
Apple Cider Vinegar vs. Tomato Juice
Common home remedies for skunk odors involve tomato juice or paste. Skunk spray fatigues your nose, which makes the musk smell seem to disappear. When tomato juice is applied, your nose is able to pick up on the new scent rather than the musk. However, the effectiveness of tomato juice is only for the person who was actually sprayed--- it does not eliminate the skunk odor molecules that are apparent to others.
The probiotic formulation contained by unfiltered apple cider vinegar works to eliminate harmful bacteria, and the acidic level works to neutralize the intense odor molecules within skunk musk. Pour four ounces of unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a container and use a clean washcloth to generously apply the vinegar directly to the areas of the skin that have been sprayed. Rinse clean after ten minutes. If sprayed in your hair, drench the hair with apple cider vinegar and allow the area to dry before rinsing with warm water. Repeat this process up to three times per day until the skunk odor has been completely neutralized.