Herbal Treatment for BPH
The Need for Herbal Treatment
BPH affects more than 50 percent of men in their 60s and up to 90 percent of men older than 70. Prescription medications may have troubling side effects such as low blood pressure, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Several surgical and non-surgical interventions are also available but range in effectiveness and can have lasting troublesome effects such as sexual dysfunction and loss of bladder control. Because of these risks, many men opt for long-used herbal treatments for BPH which appear to have limited adverse events. The most commonly used herbal remedies for BPH include Saw Palmetto, African Tree Bark (also known as Pygeum) and consumption of soy products. Additional herbal treatments may include: Papain, Red Clover and Stinging Nettle.
Specific Herbs Used
Saw Palmetto is the most commonly used well studied herb in both Europe and America. Saw Palmetto appears to act similarly to prescription prostate enzyme inhibitors by blocking growth of the prostate, and has been shown to improve bladder emptying, urination ease and reduce discomfort. It is often used in combination with pygeum. Saw Palmetto supplements are available at most drugstores, large grocery stores and health food stores.
Pygeum, a product from the tree bark of the African Plum Tree, otherwise known as African Tree Bark, acts by reducing inflammation and inhibiting growth factors attributed to prostate enlargement. It has been widely used in Africa and Europe, most often in combination with Saw Palmetto. African Tree Bark supplements may be obtained from a health food stores and some grocery stores and drugstores with alternative medicine sections.
Consumption of soy products has been proposed as a possible reason for why Asian men have lower rates of prostate difficulties. Soy contains phytoestrogens, which act to oppose testosterone leading to a reduction of prostate growth. Soy is available in a wide range of food products including soy ilk and cheese, meat substitutes, edamame beans and tofu.
Papain, an extract of the papaya fruit, is a proteolytic enzyme that combats acute inflammation of the prostate tissue. It is also helpful in treating rectal lesions caused by severe prostate enlargement by encouraging tissue healing. Papain supplements are available at health food stores and most large grocery stores and drugstores.
Red Clover also contains phytochemicals similar to estrogen, like those found in soy, and acts by opposing testosterone that encourages prostate enlargement. Red Clover is available at most large grocery and drugstores and at health food stores.
Stinging Nettle Root is thought to block the activity of growth hormone on the prostate gland, limiting cell division and prostate enlargement. It also has anti inflammatory activity, which soothes inflamed tissue. Stinging Nettle will most likely need to be purchased from a health food store.
Other Recommendations
Physicians recommend that men with BPH ensure adequate hydration and urine flow by drinking plenty of water. A dietary supplement with Zinc may be helpful as Zinc deficiency has been linked to prostate difficulties including BPH. Cholesterol levels should also be examined as elevated levels have been shown to increase the risk factors for development of prostate cancer. Some medications, including antihistamines may cause urine retention, which will increase the urinary symptoms related to prostate enlargement.