Uses of Cinnamon Bark
Medicinal Use
Cinnamon bark is used to treat a lot of medical conditions. Cinnamon bark breaks down fats in the digestive system and helps with strengthening the digestive system. It is used to treat stomach ulcers, heartburn and lack of appetite. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 tablespoon of honey every morning helps significantly with arthritis pain.
Cinnamon is used for conditions caused by coldness, as it has a warming effect and enhances circulation in the body. It is also known to control blood sugar levels in diabetics, as it reduces the amount of insulin required for glucose metabolism.
Cinnamon is famously known for its sharp and sweet flavor, and is used in different cuisines around the world. Indian curry dishes are perfected with the cinnamon bark. The Chinese five-spice powder has cinnamon as the key ingredient. Sprinkle some cinnamon into your coffee beans for a fresh flavor. They bring out the natural sweetness in vegetables like the squash or carrots, and take the bitter taste from the leafy winter greens.
Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon oil contains anethole, eugenol and cinnamyl acetate that are very effective in killing mosquito larvae. The oil is also used as insect repellent and used to treat snake bites. It can be used for topical application with lotions and creams. The oil itself is very strong and could irritate your skin and mucous membrane. Use very small amounts of the oil for topical application or when using it for aromatherapy.
The active ingredients of the bark has antiseptic, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. Cinnamon bark is used to treat urinary tract infections and yeast infections. It is also used to relieve athlete's foot. It is also known for its antibacterial properties and helps stop bleeding from little nicks and cuts. You could find cinnamon in toothpaste as it prevents bad odour and kills bacteria. It thus preserves the gums and makes the teeth white.