Herbal Hormone Therapy
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Using hormone replacement therapy is not without risks, whether these hormone replacements come from plant sources or animal sources. It has long been recognized that equine estrogen replacement therapy can increase the risk of uterine cancer in women with an intact uterus.The same can be true of plant and herbal remedies if they are not used in the correct dosage. Some plants produce a progesterone effect on the body, and others produce an estrogen effect. An herbalist will be able to prescribe a treatment plan that may include more than one herb or plant.
Understanding Hormone Replacement Therapy
A woman who is going through menopause will likely face a variety of symptoms. Every woman experiences these symptoms in a different way. Some women are not bothered by hot flashes, night sweats or vaginal dryness and suffer only from mild symptoms. For these women, the symptoms diminish with time, on their own. Other women have severe symptoms that impact their daily life. Even though the symptoms may be the same hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness, these women experience them on a much more severe level.
A woman who has had her uterus removed will be able to use an herbal hormone therapy that produces an estrogen-only effect on the body. A woman who still has an intact uterus must use a combination of plants and herbs that produce a progesterone and estrogen effect on the body. This herbal treatment will also prevent the bone loss that can occur during menopause, as well.
Understand the Risks of Herbal Hormone Therapy
Herbal hormone therapy has not been as widely regulated as traditional drug treatments. The herbal formulas are usually considered to be dietary supplements and do not receive the same scrutiny as a drug, although these herbs can be very strong and powerful. It is always recommended that a patient wishing to use an herbal hormone therapy consult with a physician or a qualified naturopath or herbalist before beginning any treatment program.
An herbal hormone therapy may take much longer to become effective, and it is recommended that patients exercise patience while undergoing the treatment.
Using Herbal Hormone Therapy at Home
Under the supervision of an herbalist or naturopath, these treatments can be given at home in the form of teas and drinks. The herbalist may recommend a supplement that contains the herbal remedy, as well. Of course, using an herbal treatment in the home should be done under the supervision of a qualified alternative medicine practitioner, herbalist or naturopath and not attempted on your own. The possible effects of these treatments over the long term are not clear, but herbalists have been using them for many years.