Herbs for Anxiety Relief
Take Passionflower Supplements
If you suffer from anxiety, try consuming passionflower supplements. This powerful plant is capable of replicating the effects of benzodiazepine drugs, and may also reduce drowsiness and irritability. The supplement is available in most health food stores, and side effects of passionflower supplements include nausea, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and, in rare conditions, temporary mental impairment. Passionflower should never be combined with sedatives.
Take Valerian Supplements
Valerian is also a common herbal remedy for patients who suffer from anxiety. The root is generally prescribed for before bedtime use, and the supplement is available in capsule, tea and liquid extract form, though many consumers prefer the capsule due to the strong odor of valerian. Patients must begin their regimen three weeks before they intend for the herb to work, and side effects include headache, palpitations, dizziness and mild indigestion.
Try Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is an additional remedy for anxiety, particularly when used in baths or massages. Essential oils help to relax and calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Oils that have a particularly strong anti-anxiety effect include bergamot, geranium, cypress, lavender, jasmine, neroli, melissa, rose, ylang-ylang and sandalwood, although lavender is most common and can be found in any health food store. Simply add 1 to 2 tsp. of essential oils to a warm bath and relax.