Natural Treatments for EDs
Food and Water
Good nutrition can go a long way in improving erectile dysfunction. Sugary foods, refined foods, junk foods, fried foods, as well as caffeine and dairy products should be avoided. Eating whole foods is encouraged. These include fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, soy, nuts, whole grains and cold-water fish such as tuna and salmon. Keeping the body hydrated by drinking a minimum of 8 8-oz. glasses of water per day is recommended. However, the Urology Health Channel recommends that men suffering from erectile dysfunction consume half of their body weight in ounces. For instance, a man weighting 200 pounds would drink 100 oz of water per day.
Vitamins and Supplements
The Urology Health Channel says that high doses of certain supplements can increase erectile function. However, they advise that before you start using supplements at high doses that you first consult with your doctor. Some supplements may cause adverse reactions in individuals who have particular health conditions and/or take certain types of prescription drugs. The supplements they recommend are bioflavonids, flaxseed, inostiol hexaniacinate, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin E and Zinc.
Herbal Supplements
There are certain herbs that are commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. These include Asian ginseng, damiana, ginko biloba and muira puama. Just as with vitamin supplements, you should talk with your doctor before beginning any new herb treatments to treat your erectile dysfunction. Some herbs can worsen medical conditions and increase the side effects of certain prescription medications.
The Mayo Clinic reports that acupuncture is being investigated as to whether it can improve erectile dysfunction. While many men report they have been helped with acupuncture, no scientific studies have yet authenticated these reports.
Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction as a result of injury, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other illnesses, as well as erectile dysfunction that is brought on by psychological reasons may not be helped with natural treatments. These individuals will generally have to opt for prescription medications such as Viagra and Levitra or penile implants.