Natural Ways to Treat Yeast Infections
The Feminist Woman's Health Center has found yogurt as a great solution to treating yeast infections. A yeast infection is the over growth of yeast in the vagina called candida or monila, which upsets the ph of the vagina's acid and base elements. They explain that a yeast infection isn't really an infection, but an over growth of candida or monila. Many women know they have a yeast infection due to itching and a white discharge. Plain yogurt inserted directly into the vagina using a small spoon or vaginal cream applicator will help rebalance the vagina's ph. The Feminist Woman's Health Center also suggests creating a douche of a mixture of water and yogurt, as straight plain yogurt may be uncomfortable for some. They also find eating lots of yogurt doesn't hurt either.
- suggests directly applying apple cider vinegar to areas affected by the yeast infection. Vinegar can also be watered down and used like a douche. Feminist Women's Health Center also recommends using a vinegar water solution to treat yeast infections. They find that 1 tbsp. to 1 qt. of water is an effective solution. Even though vinegar thrives in acidic areas, the use of apple cider vinegar stops its growth along with other bacteria and creating the proper ph. Feminist Women's Health Center doesn't recommend douching with water and vinegar for longer than 10 days.
Mother feels garlic is one of the best natural ways to clear up a yeast infection. Garlic is both an antifungal and boosts immunity. They suggest taking two garlic capsules daily to keep yeast infections away. Capsules with 4,000 milligrams of allicin-alliin, the antifungal agent in garlic, are most effective. Mother states there have been laboratory studies with animals proving garlic an effective treatment for yeast infections. Feminist Women's Health Center also finds garlic beneficial and suggests inserting a garlic clove wrapped in gauze directly into the vagina and leave for up to 12 hours.