What Can People Do to Stop Sweaty Hands?
This prescription medication contains aluminum chloride hexahydrate, which is commonly prescribed for those who suffer from sweaty hands. This lotion is made up of 25 percent aluminum chloride, which is a much higher concentration than over-the-counter antiperspirants, which have a maximum concentration of 19 percent.
Drysol should be applied before bed with the use of a latex glove. Only apply the lotion to areas of the palm that experience excessive sweating. The lotion takes 10 minutes to dry and should be washed clean with warm water 7 hours after application. It is best to apply this lotion, or any other medication for sweaty hands, at night, when the body is less likely to sweat.
Tea Bag Treatment
The active ingredient in black tea is tannic acid, which acts as an astringent to shrink pores and reduce sweat production from glands. Black tea bags can be used on a daily basis to reduce the amount of sweating that occurs. With regular use, the sweat glands will reduce sweat production.
Bring 3 cups of water to a rolling boil, and place 2 tea bags into the water. Allow the tea bags to simmer for 5 minutes, then cover the pot and allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags and place on a paper towel. Once the tea bags have cooled, place one tea bag in each hand. Tightly hold onto the tea bags for 15 minutes and then wash your hands with cool water. Repeat this process every morning to shrink sweat glands and reduce sweat production.
Electrical Current Treatment
This advanced treatment option, also known as iontophoresis, utilizes a mild form of electrical shock to block sweat glands from producing moisture. Treatment involves a small battery-operated electrical device that transmits a mild electrical current to the hands. The body of the patient is submerged in water throughout the treatment, which lasts between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The process is performed every day for 2 weeks, and then maintenance therapy is required. This type of therapy is relatively safe and can be performed in a dermatologist's office or at home.