Natural Herbs for Circulation
Gingko Biloba
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, using gingko biloba extract to improve circulation can be effective. Gingko may relieve conditions caused by circulatory problems, especially those associated with a lowered blood circulation to the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia and general memory problems. The two chemicals in gingko that are medically helpful are flavonoids and terpenoids. Terpenoids reduce the occurrence of platelets sticking together, and they dilate the blood vessels. Flavonoids are antioxidants that treat conditions such as eye problems as well as increasing circulation. Because gingko thins the blood, do not use it if you are on blood-thinning medications. Additionally, gingko may interact with medications such as antidepressants, diabetic medications, anticonvulsants and antihypertensive medications. Gingko may also interact with other herbal supplements. Do not use gingko if you are going to have surgery in the next few days. It's imperative to discuss all supplement regimens with your doctor, especially if you are on medications.
Garlic is not only a tasty addition to meals, it can improve blood circulation by decreasing the "stickiness" of blood platelets. It can also help to ease the blood vessel walls by encouraging the production of a substance called nitric oxide. Garlic derives its health benefits from one of its compounds, a substance called allicin. Allicin is easily destroyed when garlic is formulated into a supplement, so the best way to use garlic for health is to eat it fresh. You can add it to foods, as well as try nibbling on a slice of fresh garlic. If you're worried about garlic-breath, try drinking some lemon juice to counteract the odor.
The ginger root has many health properties, including stimulating the circulatory system and decreasing blood clotting. Try preparing a ginger tea by grating about one tablespoon of fresh ginger and simmering it in two cups of water for about 20 minutes. Do not boil. After simmering, strain and drink with lemon juice or honey. You can also use freshly grated ginger in cooking dishes such as stir-fries, sauces, soups and salad dressings. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, adults should not use more than four grams of ginger daily; children should use no more than one-third of an adult dosage, and children under 2 should not take ginger. Large doses of ginger may result in diarrhea, heartburn or stomachaches.