Turmeric Remedies
There are records going back to the 7th century showing the use of turmeric for medicinal purposes in India and China, according to the American Cancer Society. It has been used for many purposes including the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, colds, gallstones, liver problems, infections, cataracts and inflammations. Turmeric is still considered a powerful tool by today's herbalists.
Anti-inflammatory Uses
Medical science has established that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is an anti-inflammatory. Practitioners of Eastern medicines have known this for centuries. They continue to use it to fight the inflammation and pain of arthritis, swelling from sprains and to improve cardiovascular problems.
Other Uses
Turmeric also has antibacterial properties. Herbalists use turmeric paste to treat wounds, sores, insect bites and other skin problems. It can also be used in the mouth to treat mouth infections and inflammations. Turmeric has been used to treat problems with the liver and gallbladder by Chinese medicine practitioners for many years. It stimulates the flow of bile and therefore helps in the digestion of fats. It is known as a quick remedy for diarrhea in India. Indian doctors also prize it for the prevention of ulcers.
Turmeric in the Diet
Turmeric is used as a spice in many foods, particularly those of India. It is believed that the consumption of just 1 tsp. a day used as a spice in foods will have herbal remedy benefits. It can also be stirred into a glass of warm milk or coconut milk and drunk. This mixture can be consumed up to three times a day. The fats in foods and in milk play a role in making the active ingredient available for use by the body. An alternative is to take it in capsules or oil extracts, which can be purchased at health food stores. Because the strength of products vary, it is best to follow the directions on the label for dosage instructions. Taking large amount of turmeric can cause stomach upset. If this happens cut back the amount or discontinue the use of turmeric.