Herbal Treatment for Cervical Cancer
Garlic has long been displayed as being heart healthy. In addition, AmericanChronicle.com says, "Garlic has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells while promoting the production of healthy cells." Allicin, an antioxidant found in garlic, was presented to the 34th annual Conference of Clinical Biochemists of India in December 2007 by Irfan Ahmad Ansari and Najmul Islam and found to have "reduced cell viability to 27 percent after 24 hours of treatment." Plus, in concurrence with Ansari and Islam's findings, the governmental publication Environmental Health Perspectives said in September 2001 that "Garlic powder in the diet inhibited mammary tumors... and a garlic extract decreased the incidence of cervical carcinoma..."
MayoClinic.com expert and medical oncologist Timothy Moynihan, M.D. says: "A 2007 pilot study at Mayo Clinic suggested that American ginseng may be an effective treatment for cancer-related fatigue." Aside from fighting the fatigue, the AmericanChronicle.com says: "Ginseng also is known for its immunity-boosting, anti-cancer properties." But ginseng alone may not alone treat cervical cancer. The ImmunoPower.com article "Nutrition in Cancer Treatment" states that "Panax ginseng was able to enhance the uptake of mitomycin (an antibiotic and anti-cancer drug) into the cancer cells for increased tumor kill."
Healthy Lifestyle
This is not an herbal treatment by any means. But according to the National Cancer Institute, "Regular exercise and a healthy diet may be protective factors for some types of cancer." The non-profit resource HelpGuide.org article "Cancer Prevention Diet and Nutrition: Guide to Foods that help Prevent Cancer" claims that 30 to 40 percent of cancers are directly linked to dietary choices, according to a 1997 report underwritten by the American Institute for Cancer Research." Simply put, by getting rid of foods with unpronouncible additives and eating more natural foods, you can prevent different kinds of cancer altogether. The article recommends a well-rounded diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy and healthy fat sources.