Methods to Induce Natural Labor
Making Your Own Oxytocin
Labor is stimulated by a chemical in the body called oxytocin. In fact, Pitocin, which doctors use to induce labor, is a synthetic form of oxytocin. Since your body makes this chemical, it seems logical to find methods to trick it into producing more when you'd really like to get labor started. There are three main ways to naturally encourage oxytocin or related chemicals in your body: nipple stimulation, sexual intercourse and acupressure.
Nipple Stimulation and Sexual Intercourse
Oxytocin stimulates the uterus, which encourages it to begin contracting. These contractions, of course, are the desired result if you'd like to begin encouraging baby to come out. Gently massaging your nipples with your fingers for about one to three minutes every hour (if necessary) will prompt the release of oxytocin. This massage mimics the suckling of a baby, which is nature's way of contracting the uterus. Depending on how far along you are, be ready for a possible quick transition into labor.
Sexual intercourse is another way to stimulate labor. Female orgasm can bring on contractions, which is one way in which this tactic works. Semen also contains prostaglandins, chemicals that help soften the cervix, encouraging labor to begin. Combine nipple stimulation with sexual intercourse for a serious possibility of labor induction.
Acupressure works on the same principle as acupuncture, with the concept of energy meridians in the body that are connected to our health. It's not always necessary to use needles when stimulating the meridians. Simple pressure with hands can achieve similar results in many cases. Gently massage and press down on these spots: on the back calf two inches above the ankle, the web in your hand between your thumb and pointer finger, and the roof of your mouth.
Taking a long walk is another way to encourage labor, as it stimulates the pituitary gland and adds downward pressure to the uterus. It also helps alleviate anxiety for many women as they wait for the huge event of labor.