Teas to Help You Stop Smoking
Green Tea
One of the reasons that quitting smoking is so difficult is that a sudden lack of nicotine in a body that is accustomed to nicotine intake will induce withdrawal symptoms, as will the lack of any addictive substance that the body is used to and suddenly does not have. One withdrawal symptom caused by a lack of nicotine is decreased blood circulation, which can make your limbs feel numb, leaving you tired, lethargic and irritable. Green tea contains powerful antioxidant properties that detoxify your body. It helps remove harmful toxins from your body, cleansing your system. To rid the body of toxins requires blood circulation, which is exactly what green tea does. It spurs the body to circulate blood, which will reduce numbness and lightheadedness due to nicotine withdrawal.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is tea that is infused with peppermint extract. Another symptom caused by nicotine withdrawal is indigestion. The peppermint infusions contained in peppermint tea help reduce stomach cramps and other painful, uncomfortable symptoms caused by indigestion. Peppermint contains basic properties that help settle acids which cause indigestion, much like a natural form of pink bismuth. Consuming green peppermint tea, a combination of both types of teas, will help eliminate both withdrawal symptoms caused by nicotine withdrawal in one healthy, natural drink.